Sheba: Author

I am Sheba Rivera, a social impact innovator and a believer in people. While earning a Master of Public Administration from New York University, I learned we all have the chance to learn more from outgroup collaboration than from the Ivory Tower. Most days I work with governments and nonprofits to help them improve their services by tapping into community expertise. In my free time, I organize local communities to elevate voices often missed in policy decisions or practice my balance on a slackline.

The shifts in my convictions over the years are not unusual. For instance, I have bounced from religious zeal to spirituality, from political indifference to idealogical belief, from shame to acceptance. Each one brought unexpected freedom and inspired me to share my gift by spreading mental openness techniques like dandelion seeds. In this site, the antidotes (for personal growth) and inspirations (to support others’ progress) are short and sweet ideas for finding your own free thinking.